We’re Moving To….

“I’ve always dreamed of travel, why should we die where we are born.. I wanna tear down boundaries…I wanna see what I haven’t seen.” LG

We're Moving To....ITALY!!!


I MEAN, WHAT!?! Words will never do justice for how freakin’ excited we are! This opportunity, is an actual dream come true. Ive dreamt of seeing all of Europe since the first time I went to Paris when I was 16. I figured we’d visit a few times in our lives, but never in a million years did I think I would get the chance to LIVE there! I’m still in utter disbelief! ha Ive said it 1000 times, but ill say it again, the BEST benefit of being in the military, are the places it takes you.

We're Moving To....ITALY!!!

So, how did this happen? Well, without going into the logistics TO much, basically they give everyone a list of job opportunities & there locations. (Of course my husband looks at the job while I look at where they are 😉 ) but we get that list, and we build a “dream sheet”; listing in order where we want to go the most, to where we want to go the least.

Well, we didn’t think we had a shot in hell in going to Italy, basically because the job thats open there, would require additional training that my husband didn’t have, so when building our dream sheet, we put it somewhere near 16, 17…I don’t know, it was far down on the list. BUT we desperately wanted to go overseas and there were a few openings in Germany, so we put those in our top 5 as well as Colorado, and Georgia. (I know, all over the place! lol)

SO, Imagine my freakin shock when my husband calls me a couple weeks after we submitted it, early in the morning, telling me we got Italy!! You guys, I jumped outta bed, screamed, started pacing, and then didn’t believe him! ha I kept telling asking him if he was messing with me! Then I immediately got on the phone with my best friend and just kept saying “I don’t believe it, the army is going to pull this out from under me, this can’t be real!” hahah But sure enough, this is happening, and I don’t think Ive ever been so excited for anything in my life (other than my babies & wedding day of course!), and we move at the end of the summer!! We’ve got less than three months left in the States, with a shit-ton of paperwork in front of us, but hell, I’m just SO happy, that I don’t even care.

If you follow my insta stories, you saw about a month ago, we were majorly celebrating on a Monday with champs, and this is what had us over the moon. The traveling we’ll get to do, the places we’ll get to see, to explore, the experiences we’ll have, the culture, the amount we’ll get to teach our kids…Its all so unbelievable. This is an experience I will not take for granted for a single second.

My oldest has already been learning Italian, my little genius, and were all looking forward to the end of August, while equally trying to soak up the last few months of american luxuries! 😉 Well be living in northern Italy, right between Venice & Milan (I KNOW!) And Im so ready! Ive had a few people ask if Im nervous or overwhelmed, and I truly thought I would be too, and while there is a lot that goes into an overseas move…I’m not even slightly nervous or scared, Im excited, SO excited that I can’t explain it.

SO, I hope you’ll follow along on our european adventures over the next three years! #doyleseurotrip 😉


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