Welcome to Belle Vie!

Hi! Welcome to belle vie, formerly fabtastic eats, translated too ‘beautiful life’. As you can see if you’ve been here before, things are a bit different!

I am stepping away from food blogging, and moving into fashion, lifestyle, my kids, and more, because really, that’s where I am at in my life right now and it’s what I love the most and what I want to focus all of my time on.

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If you’re only here for the recipes, don’t fret, you can still access them all in the menu bar above under categories > food & drink, or in the sidebar!

But if you want to stick around for awhile, while I talk about clothes and makeup, my kids, our adventures, hot shopping deals & sales, parenting, and all about my life and everything in between, I would love that! I hope you find something here that inspires you.

Screenshot 2016-01-07 23.54.34 So a bit about the redesign. You can access all the categories in the menu bar at the top of the page, which is fixed, so it will scroll with you for easy access, or you can see them in the sidebar as well. At the top of each post, it shows you the category too, so you can click on that to see more just like it!

There is a ‘shop’ category up there in the menu, which I will update frequently based on current favorites, great deals, and things I’m loving, so keep an eye out there!

Screenshot 2016-01-07 23.54.20 You can find all social media followings in the menu bar at the top right, or in the sidebar, directly below the ‘about me’ section, follow along!

Screenshot 2016-01-07 23.54.50 Of course there is a place for you to search for something specific too, right in the sidebar.

I am still working out some tweaks on this site over the next couple of days, so bear with me! But in the meantime, have a look around, leave comments or shoot me an email if you see anything particular that needs to be fixed, or if you just want to chat about something!

I’m so, so happy you’re here, and I hope you stick around!

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