Weekend Rewind!

Why do the weekends always seem to go by so darn quickly, but the weekdays drag on forever sometimes? Anyhoo, it was a fun weekend, with nonstop downpouring rain. Usually its just overcast and drizzly, but this weekend it was coming down in buckets. Usually that would keep me in the house if I didn’t have anything necessary to go out and do, but its really hard to stay in when the weekend is here and my husband is around.

Saturday he had to go help a friend move, so the kids and I took off for some shopping and lunch. They go crazy over the holidays so we headed to target for more easter decor..they always think we need more and more and more..its pretty cute ๐Ÿ™‚

IMG_7699 For lunch we went to our favorite burger and milkshake joint, but as soon as we walked in, the power went out in the whole plaza. (I told you it was really raining.) We waited about ten minutes and when it didn’t come back on, we headed out in search for something similar. The kids were starving, and I found another place about 5 miles away, yay! Yah, no. We ended up in the sketchiest part of town. Like, bars on windows, pawn shops galore, and people peddling goods on the side of the road. We locked our doors and hightailed it out of there. We headed back and the three of us had a milkshake date at coldstone and called it a day!

IMG_7695 My husband got home and we all hung out in the backyard sippin’ on some virgin banana pina coladas for the rest of the afternoon. (Sun came out for about an hour or two!)

IMG_7704 Sunday morning we did some cleaning and organizing. We have a china cabinet, but still have all our china in boxes, so I yanked all that out to force me to put it away this week! Then we headed up to ikea. Its about a 35-40 minutes drive for us, so its really not to bad. It was pouring rain all day, and it was a weekend. We should have known better, but it was a madhouse and an absolute nightmare. For the first time EVER I dropped my oldest off at smaland, after he begged me over and over. I cried, and he took off so excited.

IMG_7709 The rest was awful. The crowds were packed in so tight, my two year old was so upset because he was to little for smaland, so I ended up carrying him through the entire store (twice), we went up there specifically for a patio set and when we saw it all built we hated it. So we picked out another one that we love, but it didn’t fit in my car..so my husband has to go back. In the end, we had two starvings kids, two starving adults, one screaming toddler, (a happy 3 1/2 year old at least) and no patio table, but loads of other goods of course, because ikea is like target and takes alll the monies.

IMG_7715 But don’t worry, I ended the trip my stopping for another milkshake and all was right in the world again. We went home, all changed it our pjs, played, watched movies, and relaxed until bed. Where I got super exited and found 10 things I hate about you on hbo! It was a quick but fun weekend, despite a little drama! ๐Ÿ˜‰

How was yours?!

oh p.s. this kid picked out his entire outfit (totally on his own) and completely dressed himself (all by himself without my help at all) for the first time. I was pretty impressed by his fashion sense and had to document it! ๐Ÿ˜‰


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