Weekend Recap!

Happy Tuesday! My husband had a four day weekend, and went back to work this morning, so it feels a bit like Monday to me, which is great, because that means it’s a shorter week! He gets these 3 or 4 day weekends once a month, and my kids absolutely love it. It’s generally all about dad when hes home. I kinda love it too ๐Ÿ˜‰

Friday we took the kids to the hands on museum in Olympia. It was our first time, but the kids loved it. My 3 1/2 year has been asking every morning if we can go back. Its a giant two floor and outside play area, and so great for them, especially on rainy days. Its huuge. We were there for a few hours and didn’t even do everything it has to offer. I found out the first friday of every month is free, so we will definitely be back!

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After the museum we went out to lunch right on the water. Sadly it was dreary and rainy so we couldn’t sit outside, but the views of the water and the mountains were amazing and I had one of the best burgers, so it was well worth it!

We ended the day with a trip to coldstone, momma was craving some ice cream like woah, and went home and all watched a movie together. It was perfect!


Saturday was pouring again, so we headed up to the mall. (I needed some maternity jeans, which by the way, I never got, because the selection was terrible. I don’t buy maternity clothes, I just think its a waste of money, but unfortunately, jeans are hard to avoid. I’m a little over the elastic holding my waistband together.) The kids love the indoor play area up there so its a win win. (except for my hubs who had to sit there & listen to alllll the screaming children! ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

We met up with some friends for lunch at Engine House no. 9. This place is so cool, its an old fire house, built in 1907 turned into a restaurant. This was our second time here, the first time for brunch which was amazing, and lunch was a winner too. A new favorite for sure. Plus they have patio seating right in the sun, so I’m envisioning many trips there this Summer. Sadly there will be no ice cold beers for this gal.


Sunday we went for starbucks and donuts (which were aahhhhmazing!) Then I spent my morning at Target trying to return an item which was a nightmare. Word of advice: don’t listen to the customer service guy on the phone who says you can return/exchange your items over the phone, and then just bring the old items into a target store. Because you cant. You have to mail back, (two fully built 50 lb chests) to target.com. Then they won’t email you the return slips so you have to call back, again. Im still not done dealing with all this.

We went out for hawaiian bbq for lunch, then headed home for a movie day because it was absolutely down pouring.

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Monday I delt with more of target over the phone, (fun I know) then some grocery shopping, out for burgers and milkshakes (the best!) and more donuts…I just can’t help myself. I had been talking to my sister-in-law, (who is also pregnant) about donuts and before I knew it, we were both heading out for a dozen donuts. Sadly shes all the way in NC so we couldn’t share. But once a craving hits….

IMG_7564 IMG_7569 It was a super fun filled weekend, with lots of eating out, which isn’t the norm! I probably gained 700lbs this weekend, but every bite was worth it! Back at it today ๐Ÿ™‚

How was your weekend?!

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