Toffee Nutella Cookies

Toffee, chocolate, & Nutella, make up these soft and chewy tasty cookies!

 Toffee Nutella Cookies | Fabtastic Eats I made Toffee Nutella Cookies, but do you know how long it took me to hop on the Nutella train? Scratch that, how long it took me to even try it? The train had left the station and had arrived in Biscoff land before I ever gave Nutella a chance. The fad was pretty much gone before I even took my first taste. And for the life of me now, I cannot figure out why.

It may have had something to do with the fact that I hated chocolate. I know, I don’t know how I still have my woman card either, but to make up for it, I keep a permanent stash hidden for emergencies now.

Anyhoo, clearly I finally tried it, and as most of the world knows, it’s so much more than just chocolate. And its insanely delicious. Nothing in the world will ever beat peanut butter to me, in all things, and on all things, but this is kind of a whole other ball game.

 Toffee Nutella Cookies | Fabtastic Eats The Nutella in these cookies make these so soft and chewy, with bits of toffee and chunks of a symphony bar, which is basically chocolate and toffee, making the entire thing kind of caramel-ly and chocolate-y, and hazelnut-y. I’m really working my adjectives right now, huh? 😉

But really, it’s not overly sweet, and it’s pretty darn tasty, and I think you’ll just love the them! The toffee nutella cookie recipe is listed below, as well as being featured over on Food Fanatic!

 Toffee Nutella Cookies | Fabtastic Eats

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