If you’re anywhere near New England right now, or even if you listen to the national weather, it may seem bizarre to post a frozen cocktail when we’re about to be smacked with a nor’easter. Maybe it is. But I beg to differ. See, the only way to survive a “crippling” blizzard, (with a good…
13 Mocktails for you this season!
There are so many pregnant bloggers, friends, and woman out there right now..every time I turn around I hear about another expecting mom! It’s so exciting! There are also a ton of new moms who are nursing…all of whom can’t exactly put their hands on one of the many delicious festive holiday cocktails going around…
Cranberry Apple Spritzer (Mocktail Style!)
I made you all a drink. Cranberry Apple Spritzer! You’ll appreciate this much more if you’re pregnant and/or nursing 🙂 If you aren’t, you could and should, still totally make this as well. Just swap out the seltzer water for champagne or sparkling white wine. Enjoy this over the holiday season..its festive and fantastic! Using…
Skinny Pina Coladas
It hit an unbelievable high here this week for April. Yes, you’re seeing that right…82 freakin’ degrees.In Maine. I couldn’t believe it myself, but loved every second of it! (Sadly this weekend will be sloppy 🙁 )After we went for our run we drove straight to my parents house and jumped in the pool..my son LOVED IT!…