Loaded with veggies and chicken, using whole wheat tortillas, so many fantastic flavors come out of this southwestern style Mexican Lasagna! I tried to wear shorts yesterday. Scratch that, I did wear shorts yesterday. All day. And I froze my little tail off. Yes it was 70° and sunny, but boyyy was it crisp and…
Roasted Tomatillos, Chicken and Cheese Sauce Enchiladas
A creamy, cheese sauce is doused over chicken enchiladas and topped with a golden roasted tomatillo salsa to add so much flavor! You may have noticed, (or not, depends how often your frequent these parts) that I’ve been slightly MIA on all forms of social media, and even here on le blog. I’ve decided to…
Mexican Meatball Soup
Warm and comforting chicken meatball soup, spiced to perfection. So perfect for these cool evenings! Trying to find a house in seven days in a place that we have never been too and don’t know all that much about, is kind of stressful, and definitely a giant pain in the arse. If I’ve been a…
Chicken Enchiladas
Remember yesterday when I told you I was a single girl for four days..that also meant eating alone. boo. Well I made these delicious enchiladas… (I tried to make just two…I got four good sized ones) These were super flavorful, and soo filling..I was only able to eat one! This recipe could so easily be…
Huevos Rancheros
We used to have a delicious & humongous breakfast/brunch every Sunday morning…until I begrudgingly went back to work..boo, I knows. So since I had Saturday night off this past weekend, we took full advantage of Sunday morning and made a delicious brunch, filled with blood orange juice, greyhounds, fresh fruit, and HUEVOS RANCHEROS! My fiance…