My poor little boy is so sick. We spent all night awake with him Wednesday night, and I spent all day yesterday holding has been non-stop cries. He has a terrible fever, I can’t get him to eat anything, and hes being tough about getting fluids down. He won’t sleep for more than 45…
Skinny Pina Coladas
It hit an unbelievable high here this week for April. Yes, you’re seeing that right…82 freakin’ degrees.In Maine. I couldn’t believe it myself, but loved every second of it! (Sadly this weekend will be sloppy 🙁 )After we went for our run we drove straight to my parents house and jumped in the son LOVED IT!…
Gingerbread Martini
I know its Monday, but I think that’s EXACTLY why you need to go home and make this tonight. Not only is it so festive, but oh em gee, it’s so delicious! I am most positive that I had one to many on Saturday night, because I woke up Sunday morning with a bit of…
Espresso Martini
This is the ultimate Fall/Winter/Holiday Season Martini! I looove it! We’ve been drinking them for a couple of years now & every fall we break them back out because they’re so darn delish! If you love coffee as much as I do, even if you only like it a little bit, you will love this!…