
White Chocolate Gingerbread Pancakes

Sweet White Chocolate paired with a traditional spicy bite of Gingerbread, make the perfect holiday Pancake breakfast for all! Do you like peirogies? For as far back as I can remember, we’ve always had a peirogi party every December. It is one of our holiday traditions. We make a TON. Like seriously, enough for huge…

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Ginger Pumpkin Scones

Wonderful Pumpkin Scones with a little bite of ginger! Drizzled with a creamy icing, these scones are sure to make your cool mornings a little brighter! Can you believe it’s already approaching the end of October, which means Halloween! Then what the fudge…my 10 month old started walking the last couple of days..where on…

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Banana Waffles with Peanut Butter Maple Syrup

  Hi! It’s Monday already..seriously, where did the weekend go? I didn’t realize it was Sunday night until about 10 o’clock last night. Oops! I hope you all had a very, very Happy Easter or Passover! We had a busy, fun-filled weekend, full of delicious food, sweets, a little baking, and lots of cooking! We…

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Apple-Cranberry Oatmeal Bake

“As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster” I love that movie. Ray Liotta is nuts, plus I have this crazy obsession with mob movies. Okay but seriously, as far back as I can remember, my mom has been making us oatmeal. She always made it every morning for…

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Blood Orange Glazed Loaf Cake

TODAY. Is the first day that Ill be home with two kiddos by myself, Please dear God, help me balance it all. Please dear God, don’t make me have to leave the house! I know I need to go grocery shopping, and in my head I have this great plan to do it successfully,…

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Cranberry Apple Syrup

My poor little boy is so sick. We spent all night awake with him Wednesday night, and I spent all day yesterday holding has been non-stop cries. He has a terrible fever, I can’t get him to eat anything, and hes being tough about getting fluids down. He won’t sleep for more than 45…

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Cranberry Honey Oat Bread

Lately my son has been napping 3+ hours a day…that’s HUGE in this house. I’m used to 1- 1 1/2 hour naps, sending me into a tailspin to get as much done in that time period as I possible can! With these wonderfully long naps, Ive been able to take my time, baking, photographing, editing,…

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