
Our little family is growing!

IMG_9096edit Many of you may have figured it out already. This place has been pretty dead air for the last month. Basically the idea of food, let alone looking, smelling, and cooking it, has been pretty nauseating. Its been all about the carbs; bread, plain pasta, bagels, and lots and lots of mints and lemonade. Don’t even talk to me about water…

I knew for awhile that I wanted another baby, I also knew I just wasn’t ready. But finally my husband and I decided it was a good time, we were ready, and why not? Big families are fun 🙂 So here we are!


IMG_7390 this is how I told my husband. I drew that silly picture, taped it to the outside of a folder, and when he opened it, voila, positive tests!

I am 12 weeks along, and finally starting to feel like a human being again. I’m getting some energy back, though making it past 9pm is still a bit difficult, food is finally starting to sound delicious again, well certain foods, and my jeans are already using an elastic band. Its true, with each pregnancy, your belly pops sooner and sooner!

We’re are so so insanely happy and cannot wait for this little bundle! I’m not rushing it though, I love being pregnant, pretty much every aspect of it (except for that first trimester!), and I’m appreciating all my time with my two little boys, before my hubs and I get slightly outnumbered! 😉

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