Strawberry Banana Oatmeal Smoothie

Strawberry Banana Oatmeal Smoothie

I have been drinking  A LOT of smoothies lately! Usually Ill go forever without them and then get on a huge kick! They’re so easy and simple! Throw a bunch of fruits or veggies in a blender, add some liquid, and voila! A snack in a glass! Or in the case of this fab Strawberry Banana Oatmeal Smoothie…a MEAL in a glass! 🙂

I was in a rush the other day…I had so much to get done! I had some cooked oatmeal leftover from my little guys breakfast and a very brown banana that desperately needed to be used…we had just gotten back from our walk, and a smoothie sounded so refreshing! It was delicious! And SO filling! I could only drink half of it! It was a perfect snack and it held me over a few hours until dinner. Oatmeal is so filling, huh?! 🙂

Next time you need a meal on the go, this smoothie is perfect! Filling, refreshing, creamy, and delicious!! 🙂

Strawberry Banana Oatmeal Smoothie

Strawberry Banana Oatmeal Smoothie


  • 1 Banana, slightly over ripe
  • 1/4 cup cooked oatmeal
  • 2 Tablespoons ground almonds
  • 4 large Strawberries, Fresh then frozen
  • 1 teaspoon agave
  • 1/2 cup skim milk


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender, blend until smooth!
  2. Enjoy!

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