Rainy Day Christmas Shopping Outfit

Rainy Day Christmas Shopping Outfit

I finished my Christmas shopping yesterday! With the exception of  few stocking stuffers, I am done! Now I’m just working on my sons birthday, which is exactly seven days before Christmas, and my husbands, which is seven days after Christmas. It’s a busy season for sure!

As most of you know, I live in Washington state, so rain is nothing new, especially this time of year. But gol-llllyyy. The last few weeks it’s been torrential down pouring every day, all day. Which is much more than usual, even for out here.

You can tell it’s raining in these pictures if you look close enough, but we snapped these in the few minutes between being totally drenched. This rain is wrecking havoc on my hair, people. If you’ve got a go-to product for de-frizzing in the rain, do tell, because that is what I’m on the hunt for at the moment.

Anyhoo, shopping in the rain doesn’t really bother me. I’ve learned to just layer on the clothes that can easily be removed while shopping. A long sleeve, a vest, scarf, and coat are the way to go to stay dry underneath. And rain boots, always, because there is nothing worse than wet socks and soggy feet! Cozy and comfort is key when plowing through those stores!

_MG_0071 _MG_0060 _MG_0068 _MG_0080 _MG_0052 _MG_0090 hat (similar) | scarf (similar) | grey sweater vest (similar) | striped shirt | jeans | boots | jacket (similar) | purse (similar)

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