Polish Sweet Bread

This beautiful golden brown, sweet bread, is exactly how I remember it growing up with my polish grandma!

Polish Sweet Bread | Fabtastic Eats Did you watch either of the games yesterday? Do you even care? Do you even want to talk about it? Probably not. I know all you want to hear about is this fantastic sweet bread, but we’ll get to that. First, I must acknowledge the football games from yesterday, in honor of my husband and all that.

If you’ve been reading for any length of time, you know my husband is a pretty die hard Patriots fan. We’re from New England after all. He’s also got a pretty big man crush on brady. (sorry babe, just keepin’ it real.) Sundays are always devoted to football in our house, even my kids call it ‘football day’. So yesterday was a pretty big deal for him.

Polish Sweet Bread | Fabtastic Eats Needless to say, the fact that we moved to washington last year, and we’re huge pat’s fans…the superbowl is a pretty exciting event over here this year. As soon as the game ended last night, he says, “what in the hell am I going to do for the next two weeks?” (he means it too)

We were running errands before the games yesterday morning, and all four of us had a Patriots jersey on, and not even a full two minutes into the first store we were stopped by three seahawks fans…it’s going to be insane out here. Lots of the houses around us have seahawks flags, while we’re over here on our own private island, waving a Pats flag high and proud. Its entertaining to say the least.

I know that has nothing to do with this bread, but I couldn’t help but talk about it. My husband yesterday, was like my kids on Christmas morning. It’s hilarious.

Polish Sweet Bread | Fabtastic Eats So! What you’re really here for! Polish Sweet Bread. Have you ever had it? It used to be one of my most favorites growing up. A slice warmed up with a huge pat of salted butter..ahh total perfection. It’s breakfast, and a snack. And so worth the time.

There’s not much hands on time, but unlike most breads, it does require quite a bit of rise time, but its okay! Make this when you know you’re going to be lounging around your house for the day, and by the end of it, you will be so happy you did!

Polish Sweet Bread | Fabtastic Eats

Polish Sweet Bread

Prep Time: 25 minutes

Cook Time: 45 minutes

Total Time: 7 hours

Yield: 1 loaf

This beautiful golden brown, sweet bread, is exactly how I remember it growing up with my polish grandma!


  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter
  • 1/2 cup milk (I used 2%)
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast
  • 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, divided
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon vanilla
  • Glaze
  • 2 TB sugar
  • 1 egg


  1. Melt the butter and milk together in the microwave, cool to lukewarm
  2. Pour the mixture into a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, stir in the yeast and 1 cup of the flour, cover, and allow to rise for 15 minutes
  3. Beat in the eggs. Add the salt, sugar, and vanilla, beat well.
  4. Switch to the dough hook. Add the remaining flour, and knead well, until soft, smooth, and shiny. (about 5-7 minutes on medium-high speed)
  5. Cover and let rise for 2-4 hours, until it doubles in size.
  6. Knead again, shape the dough, and place in a bread pan that has been greased well.
  7. Cover, rise again until doubled in size.
  8. Preheat the oven to 325°
  9. To make the glaze, whisk together the sugar and egg
  10. Brush the glaze on top of the risen dough, and bake for 45-50 minutes, until it's a deep golden brown.
  11. Remove from the oven and cool for about 5 minutes before slicing into it. Enjoy!


All the total time is referring to the rise time. It takes a bit longer than other breads, but its worth every minute!

Just Barely adapted from Serious Eats

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