Obsessing Over!

IMG_4979 trader joe’s cookie butter cups

I bought these as a bribe to my kids, after a long, rainy, day of shopping, running errands, and them being super patient with me, when I told them we had one more store to go to, because mommy needed wine, 😉 and my three year old groaned, I said I would buy him a treat. Don’t judge. I will fully admit that I am in no way above bribing my children to sit still in a store. But now I try to hide these all for myself. LOVE.

IMG_4976 jessica simpson booties

These are so much better in real life. a) they’re crazy-comfy. b) they have a chunky heel, without looking all 90’s on me, so I can actually wear them while carrying my kids around. c) they’re cute and they’re black, which is pretty much my requirement for winter shoes. I’d live in these if I could, I love them so much, and they look so good when they’re on.

IMG_4977 tarte amazonian blushes

These are my favorite. I think I talked about them last year, but I’ve completely transferred from my favorite summer shade from benefit, back to these two tarte shades and they’re just so absolutely gorgeous, plus they last all day-which is a huge plus for me. Ain’t nobody, (especially with kids) got time for reapplying makeup. these shades are gorgeous. highly recommend. (blushing bride and exposed are the names!)

books books

I’ve been reading a crazy amount of books lately. Something about the cool air and snuggling up under a blanket. I’d read 24/7, no joke, if I could. My recent favorites are the The Edge of Never and The Edge of AlwaysWhile I felt the second book, wasn’t necessary, it didn’t change how much these books inspired and changed me. I can’t put it into words, but if you read my most recent happy hour post, then you know I’ve been searching for something. These books changed my life. And no, I’m not being melodramatic.

Unlit Staris also a game-changer. I didn’t even know what to do with myself after reading that book. I bawled my eyes out, like ugly cried for no less than an hour after that book ended. It was so beautifully written, so heartbreaking while simultaneously being heartwarming, it was so inspring, and it really taught some great lessons about not taking a damn thing for granted and not wasting any time in this short life we get.

shutterstock_103851470 via

this article.

how to become the person you want to be… I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve read this article. It’s a had a permanent place in my tabs on my browser for the last week, I never close it out and I keep re-reading it. It’s such a perfectly written article, not just about being who you want, but about doing what it takes to make yourself happy. It might sound selfish, but I’m kind of a believer that you need to put yourself first, because if you’re not happy, if you don’t take care of yourself, than you’re not good for the people around you..but I digress. That article, it’s perfect. To me.

maine-portland via


I’m going back next week. I’m sooo excited! I’ve missed everyone, and when it gets around the holidays, my homesickness hits with a vengeance. This was a last minute decision, even though I’ve been thinking about it for awhile, I finally decided I needed to go back this past weekend, and now I am so stoked. I can’t wait to see everyone, even if my to-do list for the next four days is a mile long.


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