If you’re reading this, than you’re probably something like me, and cannot get over how quickly your kids are growing, how much they’re learning, how they’re minds process things, how much they know, but mostly, you’re trying to hold onto every tiny little thing, and not forget a solid moment. But really, that’s a hard one.
We take thousands of pictures of our kids, we take loads of videos trying to capture and remember it all, because they’re growing quickly and time is going by in the blink of an eye. I mean, for god-sakes, I feel like I just had my oldest yesterday!
After they turn one, those baby books you were filling out for a year, if you kept up with them, I wasn’t so hot with that, run out…and you don’t have a book to document all the little things. Years ago, my mom told me to keep a journal of all the funny, smart, jaw-dropping, outrageous things that my kids say, and it was such great advice. While I don’t always remember to write it all down in the same place, I do find random sticky notes in places with lines from my three year old, and it always makes me throw my head back and laugh.
So here we are with this time capsule. There is no date on it, so you can use it year after year. You can interview them every six months, every January, or every birthday. Whenever and how often you choose to do it, is totally up to you, but do it!
And record the entire interview, because you will laugh your butt off! While its definitely worth writing it down, and storing it in a file or a life binder for yourself and your kids later, its even more fun to watch the video after the fact…because kids say the darndest things! (remember that show!)
I had so much fun doing this with my three year old, and I plan on doing it every six months. They change so fast, and its mind-boggling some of the stuff that comes out of their mouths. My youngest just turned two at the end of December, so I won’t start this with him probably until the Summer or next January, but definitely do this! Its so fun to watch them grow and watch their tastes change!
I’ve attached a PDF below for you to download and print out! Have a blast!