In My Closet: Spring Picks!

sandals // bathing suit // denim shorts // sunglasses // earrings

Hey! Hi! Hello! It’s been a minute…. I haven’t written a blog post in over a year and Ive kind of missed my little corner of the internet. I miss sharing about fashion & life, and I miss having it to look back on too! Since the last time I was here…we moved to Arizona (& LOVE it!), took a trip back to New England, had family and friends come out and stay a bunch, my husband started CCC, we’ve gone on lots of adventures & done lots of exploring, I turn 30 this week (with many mixed emotions about it! ha), I’ve continued to stay somewhat active over on instagram (@alaina_doyle) sharing fashion finds and life with my four boys, exercise and clean eating are still apart of my my daily life with cocktails and treats on the weekends 😉 (super excited about the Tone It Up Bikini Series, if you haven’t signed up yet, DO IT! It starts next Monday!) Phew! That was a bit long winded and Im sure there is way more that I forgot, but thats the gist of it. I want to try to show up here more often, I miss it! We move again in a couple months, where to? We don’t know quite yet..#armylife. But we’re excited regardless, I love exploring new places! SO! below Im sharing a few of my spring and summer picks! You can click on any photo to shop the item! And if you head over to my instagram, @alaina_doyle, then you’ll see me wearing some of them for reference! XO

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