Happy Hour! {Wedding Edition}


Umm..you guys! Im getting married. IN FOUR DAYS! I can’t believe it is finally here! It has felt like forever! To say I’m excited would be a HUGE understatement!

You would think, being four days out that I would be done with everything, but in my true procrastinator form…I still have the longest to-do list ever, with projects I’m still working on! Oy vey! It WILL get done!

I bought FIVE pairs of shoes, because I can’t decide. I go in tomorrow for my final dress fitting, hopefully I can pick one pair. My indecisiveness is not helping in this planning process.

I’m a crazy control freak, so Ive been putting together a list of must-have photos for my photographer, I’m sure she loves that. But we have one hour between the ceremony and reception to get them all, and we have to include driving distance in there, so Ive been stressing out about it. Well, Lauren and Cassie, are geniuses, and Im sure so many of you have done it, but somehow I never thought to? We’re going to do a ‘first-look’ photo shoot well before the ceremony, then all the wedding party pictures! So smart, right? Hello 6am wake up call! 😉

oh oh! what are your favorite gifts you’ve either given to your bridesmaids or received from your bride? I have some ideas, but Id love some input. And please don’t give me grief about not having it completely done yet. Like I said above, true procrastinator.

I have two kids, give me a break!

Side note. Lately, I’m emoticon obsessed. Like, every text message includes four one. And all my instagram pictures definitely have them. I literally spend extra minutes just looking for one. Its getting pathetic, my soon-to-be hubs thinks I’m a nerd. I cant stop!

Let me poll you, what is your favorite, must-have picture from your wedding? Thankssomuch!

Okay, I have to cut this short. I need to use all the time I can in the next 72 hours to get everything done! Projects galore! Ill try to keep you updated, but I’m enjoying every minute of this week, and we’re celebrating a lot! 😉

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