I’ve been back in New England for 48 hours, and I think I’ve only slept six of them. We landed in Boston at 8am on Monday morning after taking the redeye in from Seattle. If you’ve traveled with kids, you know that its impossible to sleep on the plane, so I was surviving Monday on fumes and caffeine. A few friends came over that night and we stayed up until 3am drinking a ridiculous amount of wine and belly-hurt kind of laughing. The following day proceeded pretty much the same way, except we started a looooot earlier. Being back here is so much fun, and I’m realizing that I’ve missed everyone so much more than I even thought.
I haven’t taken a single photo since Ive been back either, except for an obnoxious amount of snap chats of course. There has been no documenting the craziness, and I feel like I should probably change that. I’ve also been almost entirely MIA on all forms of social media, I think I’m just having to much fun to really care.
What have you been watching for tv shows? I’ve pretty much traded in everything for reading now. I used to watch a silly amount of tv, like 13-15 shows. Now I stick to a few that I love, Scandal obviously, Nashville, and Madam Secretary. If you like political shows, then you’d love that one, if you’re not watching it already. It’s the only show my husband and I watch together now. We used to watch The Voice together, but I dropped that this year after a couple episodes with the new judges, such a bummer.
I’ve been reading sooo much. When I was little, I was an avid book lover, but kind of lost my love affair with it for awhile, well, it is back with a vengeance. I joined Goodreads in April, and haven’t stopped reading since. I had set a goal to read 75 books this year and have already surpassed that. So tell me, because I’m always looking, what are your favorite books? Your must reads?
My brother has been teaching my three year old the lyrics to Fancy since we got here, and it’s pretty much the funniest thing Ive ever heard listening to a 3 year old sing that song. Even funnier than when he sings Katy Perrys Fireworks.
I bought these wine glasses..they’re the same ones used on Scandal. And I love them so much. They’re super super delicate and thin. My husband won’t even use them, he’s afraid he will snap them in two ha! but they’re beautiful and I love them. Plus they’re on sale right now!
oh this has been around, but this is the best fancy parody I have seen yet.
Okay friends, Im out, Mimosas are calling my name! It is happy hour after all! 😉