It’s been awhile since we’ve shared a Happy Hour together..I’ve been a little busy moving and settling into our new home! But let’s jump right in, grab your drink and lets chat!
We’ve been shopping around for a desk since we got here. And I cannot find one that I LOVE, without spending a million dollars, anywhere! My husband is ready to slap me I think. 😉
Our household goods are FINALLY arriving tomorrow. My poor husband has been sleeping on the floor for over two weeks, while my two year old and I sleep on an air mattress. (Our lucky babe has had his crib all along!) We are crazy excited to finally get it all, unpack, and really get settled.
What’s not exciting? After three glorious weeks of having my husband around morning, noon, and night, he goes back to work Monday. Let real life begin. My two year old is so sad about it. He’s been waking up every.single.morning, and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is “Dad, your not going to work today?’ My husband says “No, not today!”, and my little man looks at me and says, “Mom! Yayyyy! Dad’s hanging out with me today!” (If you could only hear the excitement and happiness in his voice.) Monday is going to be a little depressing for him I’m thinking.
The positive of my husband going back to work: Routine. I thrive on it. I eat better, I workout more, I drink less wine (not sure that’s a positive ;)) My kids eat better, dinner is made every night, I get more done for this here blog, things are just in order. I look forward to THAT part.
We finally made it up to Pikes Place after being here for two weeks. This was the first thing I wanted to see in Seattle, and we spent an entire day walking around and eating until our hearts content. More on that soon, but if you ever make it out here, be sure to bring an empty stomach!
Do you know how hard it is to decorate a blank slate? Like..I love things, but I just cannot decorate, as in, put it all together. I see pictures in magazines or on Pinterest, (lord help me), and the only way I can make something look good, is replicate it. My own ideas never work out. I wish I had the funds to hire an interior decorator.
SCANDAL is on tonight!!
My one year old won’t eat fruit. I keep trying over and over and over again, but he always takes a little bite, makes a ridiculous face, then throws it on the ground. My two year old could live off it all day every day, he basically does sometimes, he can’t get enough. I made fruit Popsicles with my oldest this week for ‘dessert’ if he eats all his dinner, (works like a charm!), well it worked for my one year old too. He ate an entire Popsicle, made 100% from pureed fresh fruit, and he demolished it. I was so happy. He can have as many darn Popsicles as he wants!
I’m ready for the sun! (Though I shouldn’t complain TOO much, because at least its been in the 50’s every day!) We went to the park the other day, and I’ve been trying SO hard lately to get a good picture of my kids together. (p.s. it’s not working.) Anyways, we ended up getting a few of ourselves with them, which never, ever happens, but at least they came out pretty good. But as I’m reviewing the pics last night, all I could think was, ‘wow, I look ghostly and hollow.’ There is just SO much pale going on. I’m ready to transport myself back to high school to a fake n’ bake. (Do people still do that?)
We’re eating butternut squash in copious amounts again. Twice this week. Is it only a Fall thing for you, or are you still loving it? I don’t really get sick of things unless they’re pounding me in the all the red velvet at Valentine’s much overload at one time. But I can totally handle eating foods during their ‘wrong’ seasons, like soup in the Summer. Do you get on board with that?
Cheers Friends! Tell me something about your week! xo