Happy Hour!

photo ^^ approximately the amount of time until we drive awaayyy!!

Welcome to another Happy Hour! Whatcha drinking today?

Have you entered for a chance to win this $500 Tiffany’s Gift Card? If not, what the heck are you waiting for? I wish I could enter…GO NOW! :-*

One week from today (at this time) we’ll be halfway to Washington. Words cannot explain my excitement to blow this joint. (And hopefully never have to come back here!)

I hate when I go to the library and every book on my list of ‘to reads’ is already checked out. I mean, I guess I could buy them, but I hate buying books. I never read them more than once…unless they’re realllllly good, even then I still usually don’t.  I mean, I’ve got huge boxes and boxes of books, and they just sit there collecting dust. Seems like a ridiculous waste of money. So I wait. And pick up a different book from the library that’s a total snooze-fest. #firstworldproblems

Did you ever watch Veronica Mars? I became addicted to it well after it ended. I watched all three seasons in like, a weekend, or something ridiculous like that. Anyways..they made a movie! And it’s coming out in March. I can’t stop watching the trailer. I’ve always been Team Logan…I think I’m going to have to have a solo date on that one. I not so secretly, can’t wait!

This makes me laugh. My brother is IN LOVE with Anna Kendrick, like really in love. I swear he’s watched Pitch Perfect more times than I have, and that’s saying something. She grew up in Maine too! She went to high school less than a mile from where my brothers & I went to HS. It drives him nuts that they were that close and he never met  her… 😛 It’s pretty hilarious listening to him!

Have you heard of Blogger’s Closet yet? It’s a website, where all your favorite fashion bloggers sell their clothes..for some seriously great deals. I just ordered a coat from them last week, the day after they were up and running actually, and I received it early this week. And I’m so in love with it. Check it out..they’ve got it all from coats and dresses, to shoes, purses, and jewelry, it’s like an online consignment store!

Since we’re leaving next week, I’ve started organizing things better. I was going through all my beauty products and came across the Macadamia Deep Repair Mask...it’s for your hair. I had bought it awhile back and completely forgot about it. I was just complaining the other day about how dry and brittle my hair is this time of year. So I threw this in my hair when I got out of the shower, it said leave it n for seven minutes. I accidentally forgot about it (kids!) and an hour later finally rinsed it out. My hair is as soft and silky as ever. I can’t stop touching it, its obnoxious. Anyways, if you’re having a similar problem, I recommend trying that stuff, hopefully it works for you too!

I really enjoyed reading through this list of Things we need to do to make our relationship or marriage last..I think it’s so true, and kind of a good reminder.

Okay, and with that, I am out! To pop some bubbly and maybe share with you too! 😉 Happy Friday friends!

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