Gift Ideas for Kids!

Kids are another group that can be tricky to shop for. You don’t want to just be buying toys that will be played with for a week and tossed aside, and it can be hard to pick out gifts for kids, especially if they aren’t your own! Many of the toys or games I rounded up in this list are loved and used often by my kids, or things I am getting them this year! (& most of this is gender neutral!) happy shopping!

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toy crane…my son has been asking for one of these, I think santa plans on making it happen!

kinetic sand…my kids have so much fun with this stuff, a great indoor activity that keeps them busy for hours!

puzzles…my son loves doing puzzles and I love doing them with him!

hot wheels track…always a hit with boys!

pie face game…I know this could be a mess, but Ive heard hilarious things about this game, I really want to get this for my kiddos!

kids play kitchen…such a fun thing for all kids!

carving scooter…our neighbors have something almost identical to this and all the kids love to ride it!

dr. seuss books…my kids adore dr. seuss books, we’ve slowly been accumulating the entire collection as we find them, and we constantly read them over and over again!

wooden block set…what child, especially boys, doesn’t love to build or stick things? (then knock them down! 😉 )

dune racer…you can never go wrong with powerwheels!

tea set…such a fun, sweet thing to play!

candy land…a fun game to play with your littles!

pajamas…my kids love them, they have so many, but I can’t stop picking them up because they’re so cute!

princess dresses…always so fun to play dress up!

superhero mask and cape…my kids love theirs!

shopping cart…these are so fun! my kids played with this forever!

wooden train set…my son loves his, we play with it at least 5 days a week!

walkie talkies…we had such a blast with these as kids!

fashion plates…what a blast from the past! I played with these when I was little!

play makeup…some fun for your little ladies!

mini basketball hoop…fun for you and your kids!

kindle fire for kids…my kids each have one of these, they’re great for long road trips or waiting in doctors offices!

bounce house…my little guys are getting this for Christmas, they love bounce houses and ask to stop anyyyyytime we see one anywhere!

sand table…such fun!

playhouse…do you remember playing house as a kid? I loved it!


stickers… my little guy loves stickers, whether to decorate paper with or himself!

kids camera…some fun for the budding photographer!

rainbow art…I love this!

color bath drops…how cool is this? it changes the color of the kids bath!

silly putty…I played with this as a kid, and now my kids do too! Fun stuff!

hair chalk…easy and fun hair streaks!

inside out…such a great movie for all kids, my boys love this one!

jokes for kids…for your little jokester!

glow sticks…my kids always love these!

harmonica…let them make some music!


affiliate links above..the more you buy, the more money it makes me for my kids Christmas! 😉

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