DIY Wine Glasses using Sharpies!

“This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Sharpie, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #StaplesSharpie”

DIY Wine Glasses using Sharpies! | Fabtastic Eats

Do you ever do Christmas crafts of DIY gifts? When I was younger, a lot younger, I used to get together with my mom and her best friend, who was an artist, and we’d make gifts every year for everyone! She was so creative, and every year it was so different and so incredible! When my mom pulls them out every season, it makes me smile.

DIY Wine Glasses using Sharpies! | Fabtastic Eats

Gifts, favors, trinkets, anything made at home, is so magical! Knowing that someone spent time on it is so special. Don’t get me wrong, I am incredibbbbly grateful for ALL of my gifts all year long, very, but there is just something different about homemade.

DIY Wine Glasses using Sharpies! | Fabtastic Eats

Every year I try to make at least 1-2 items myself. We always make huge cookie platters for everyone with a large variety of cookies and sweets, and that is always well received. Last year I made DIY coasters..bought the tiles from Lowe’s, printed black and white photos out on white tissue paper, and mod podged it together, with felt on the bottom. They came out so amazing that my mom won’t even use them for anything other than decoration!

DIY Wine Glasses using Sharpies! | Fabtastic Eats

This year, I’m decorating wine glasses in LOTS of different ways using Sharpies! Can I just tell you how much easier it is to use Sharpies than it is to use paint or other things? I’ve decorated wine glasses in the past, making them look like stained glass, but it was a lot messier and took a lot longer.

DIY Wine Glasses using Sharpies! | Fabtastic Eats

Today I’m showing you three different ways to decorate wine glasses using nothing but Sharpies, but I know there are TONS more ways you can decorate them! They have SO many colors, get creative! I bought the metallic pack at Staples for only $3.99! This came at the perfect time, while I’m staying with my mom..over the weekend, guests broke four wine is my way of replacing them for her with a little extra flair! 😉

DIY Wine Glasses using Sharpies! | Fabtastic Eats

First, wash your glasses really well, and make sure they are completely dry and free of any film before starting to draw on them,

For the first one, I wanted it to be gold. To me, there is nothing better than silver and gold during the holiday season. I went  and got the script, size, and font I wanted from a website, printed it off, taped it to the inside of the glass like a stencil and traced over it. (Here is the ‘Cheers!’ script and size that I used. I literally just printed off this webpage, cut the paper so it would fit in my glass, and taped it up.)

Once I removed the ‘stencil’ I smoothed out the edges with the gold marker and let it dry..which only takes seconds! (Great last minute gift!)

DIY Wine Glasses using Sharpies! | Fabtastic Eats

For a different design, I used the silver and bronze Sharpies, and just dotted away..I started by making a silver dot circle, took the bronze and made dotted lines as far down the glass as I wanted it, getting further apart towards the end, to make it kind of like ‘snow’, then I filled in the space with silver dotted lines, and did my best to line the spaced out dots with the bronze ones!

DIY Wine Glasses using Sharpies! | Fabtastic Eats

For the base ‘dipped’ wine glass, I used bronze and I just colored the bottom of the wine glass, and the top of the base, blending it well so it’s not streaky. Once dried, (only took seconds!) I took the silver sharpie and just drew snowflakes! If you’re a good artist you can get even more creative than me with your drawings!

DIY Wine Glasses using Sharpies! | Fabtastic Eats

I had a hard time choosing my favorite one! I love them all for different reasons..they’re all so pretty! They’re excellent as gifts, OR, what I’m thinking of using them for is favors! If you have a Christmas Party or dinner party, decorate each wine glass separately for each guest using Sharpie’s instead of using wine glass charms, then at the end of the night, they can take them home as their favors!

DIY Wine Glasses using Sharpies! | Fabtastic Eats Go visit Staples and pick up all the fun Sharpie colors and metallic’s for so many uses this holiday season! The super fun colored assorted pack up there..only $5.99 right now! Think of the crazy cool gift tags you could create! Check out this list of 34 Things you can do with Sharpie’s for inspiration!

Edited to add: Be sure to use Sharpies one inch down from the top of the rim so as not to interfere with your lips and food safety protocols.

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