Coffee Talk! Just like happy hour, but much more appropriate since I’m with child. ๐ Basically its what Id talk about if we were sitting down to coffee together, which I wish we really were. By the time I’m sitting down this morning to write this and actually drink my coffee, its lukewarm. #momprobz ๐ And no, I can’t stand my coffee warmed up in the microwave, bleh, it tastes burnt to me after that, so I settle for chugging down my barely warm coffee and pretending we’re sitting together drinking those beauties above and talking about our weeks ๐
So we’re heading to San Francisco next month for a week! Im pretty excited, I haven’t been there since I was about 12, so it’ll be totally different this time. We’re going with the kids of course, so we’re planning on doing some of the touristy things, the cable cars (my kids will go crazy for it), golden gate of course, maybe the ferry building, Pier 39 probably…but give me your favorites! Things to do, places to go, what to see, where to eat! We’re not looking to do anything formal, just laid back, kid approved, and fun! I hear there are some killer food trucks! Tips please!
Speaking of coffee, I was finally able to drink it again, clearly. For the last couple months it hasn’t even been on my radar, I couldn’t even let my husband make it in the house, the smell was so nauseating. That’s actually how I figured out I was pregnant the first two times. My coffee started to taste funny to me for a couple days before all of a sudden it was down right repulsive, then woop, bump ahead! The caffeine headaches were no joke, and I had a really hard time finding tea that wasn’t caffeine-free, other than black. Thank goodness that faze is over.
I was up half the night last night with my two year old, who was just coughing up a lung, poor kid. When Id finally get him back to sleep, he was plastered to my side, leaving me about 5″ of bed space, not kidding, I was sleeping on my side. It was so uncomfortable, especially for someone who likes to sleep like a starfish, totally spread out. Buuuuut as I was staring up at the ceiling after the first hour, all I could think was someday this little guy will not want to sleep with me ever, let alone cuddle this much, so Ill take the discomfort any day if it means I get to snuggle with my little bean.
Technically its the first day of Spring today. Does it feel spring-y where you are? We’re expecting high 50’s but cloudy for the next week with showers thrown in there, so I guess that’s technically spring. Next weekend is supposed to be 70 & sunny, so I’m just going to look forward to that. I did order my first ever rain coat though, so I don’t mind a few showers here and there as long as they’re warm! Is it warming up wherever you are? I hope so!
Speaking of Spring, Easter is right around the corner. Didn’t it used to fall mid-April? I can’t remember, I just feel like it’s so early. Either way, what are you guys doing? Do you cook a big Easter dinner, whats on the menu? We’ll cook, probably go to church, take our kids to an easter egg race here on base, and probably do one in our own backyard if it’s nice enough out.
Well happy friday! I hope you all have a super fun weekend planned, after last weekend we’re taking it a bit easier and just relaxing & doing some spring cleaning. (my husband loves that part!) enjoy!