Caramel Apple Spice Oatmeal Cookies

Caramel apple oatmeal cookies are delectable and the best thing ever for welcoming fall with a cup of tea. Try to stop at two, okay? That way they’ll last longer.

Caramel Apple Spice Oatmeal Cookies | Fabtastic Eats


Fall is in the air! I feel like I’ve been waiting forever this year for fall to come around! I’m so happy it’s finally here! I’m usually not one to rush the seasons, but this summer, I was big and pregnant, and it was a superrrr hot one for the PNW, so I was craving some cool, crisp, fall air!

The first morning I woke up and had to throw on a sweater because the house was so chilly from the night air, I was ecstatic. I was ready for psl’s, apples, boots, sweaters, and all things fall at the beginning of august! One of the things I miss the most about living on the west coast though, is how different Fall is here compared to the east. The air isn’t as crisp, the leaves don’t really change to all the stunning colors that New England sees, it just feels so different.

Caramel Apple Spice Oatmeal Cookies | Fabtastic Eats

But! It doesn’t stop us from participating in all of our favorite fall activities! Apple picking, pumpkin carving, loads of baking-making the house smell heavenly, for example, making these caramel apple spice oatmeal cookies!

I love cookies all year round, but when I’m pregnant, I crave them constantly! These cookies are big, almost bakery style, so soft and chewy, loaded with oatmeal, which is how I like it, full of spice, and they just taste like fall! (I loved them so, so much, I even have a pumpkin version I’m sharing soon!)

Caramel Apple Spice Oatmeal Cookies | Fabtastic Eats


These apple spice cookies have a honking piece of gooey caramel in the center of them, and it’s like the icing on the cake! So melty and warm, fresh out of the oven!

I store these in a ziplock bag on the counter, and because the caramel can harden a bit once they cool to room temp, I just wrap a cookie in a paper towel and pop it in the microwave for 10-12 seconds to soften the caramel again, works like a charm!

I hope you enjoy these tasty bites of fall!

Ooh! And if you’re looking for even more delicious apple recipes, check out this 12 Days of Apple Recipes, plus 36 Favorites!

Caramel Apple Spice Oatmeal Cookies | Fabtastic Eats

You can also find the Caramel Apple Spice Oatmeal Cookies Recipe over on Food Fanatic!

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