I haven’t done a little bumpdate since 17 weeks, so I figured one was due ๐
How far along: 26 weeks, this past Wednesday…what? how?
Total Weight Gain: I think right around 17 lbs..I haven’t weighed myself at home at all, so I;m not 100% certain.
Maternity Clothes: meh…just jeans, and a couple dresses. Most things I wear are either one size up or drawstring shorts!
Gender: baby boy makes three! #boymomforlife
Cravings: nothing crazy! something sweet at the end of every day, but that’s about it!
Symptoms: none really. its starting to be a pain in the butt to bend over, but I know it’s only going to get harder, so I’m trying not to make to big a deal about it!
Movement: all.the.time…this guy already loves dance parties!
Workouts: ha! I’m still counting chasing after my kids all day and nesting as a solid workout. ๐
Things that are repulsive: nothing really anymore, I can pretty much handle it all by this point!
Looking forward to: putting together and decorating the nursery. we had lots of company recently, and were waiting until everyone left, before we tore apart our guest room and turned it into a nursery! everyone is gone, and we’re about to be rid of our furniture, so let it begin!