The Best Christmas Movies for Family Movie Night

One of my favorite things to do with my kids during the holiday season is snuggle up with some hot cocoa and snacks and watch Christmas movies! It’s such a fun way to get into the holiday spirit too! I’ve rounded up all of my absolute favorites here, enjoy!

Christmas Movies

Polar Express…I feel like this has to top the list, because it’s the ultimate Christmas movie, not to mention, my kids are OBSESSED. They would watch it five times a day if I let them! I love it too 🙂

Arthur Christmas…such a sweet, silly, and fun movie! Another favorite of my kids!

a Christmas Carol…a little much for my toddlers, but a great one for the older kids!

Elf…because, duh! Though I actually have to admit, I didn’t really love this movie the first couple times I saw it…It definitely had to grow on me! ha! But I plan on showing it to my kiddos for the first time this year!

The Grinch….because this one will never, ever get old.

Home Alone…will forever be my favorite Christmas movie from my childhood! I’m hoping my kids fall in love with it as much as I am! I watch it countless times every year.

The Original Christmas Classics…a few of my favorites

The Santa Clause…another favorite of mine as a kid that I can’t wait to cuddle up with my kids to!

The Year Without a Santa Claus…the heat-meiser and snow-meiser are my absolute favorite parts of this one!

A Christmas Story…’frah-gee-lay” ha!

Miracle On 34th Street…one of my absolute favorites when I was a little girl!

amazon affiliate links above! (hey, they help me buy my kids Christmas presents! 😉 )

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