Behind the Scenes Lately…


So clearly I’ve been pretty MIA unless you follow me on Instagram. I got married on Saturday friends!! Oh my goodness, what a whirlwind!! It was amazing, and beautiful, so much fun, and went by FAR to fast. Just as everyone said it would! I wish I could relive that day over and over again! I felt like a princess and it was glorious!!

My two year old has been sick. Since last Thursday night. That’s right, all through our rehearsal dinner & wedding. He is miserable and barely eating. It’s been a real joy. I actually do feel so terrible, I wish I could take it for him. Thank GOD for all of our amazing family and friends who took care of BOTH our boys all day Saturday so that we could really enjoy the day..we are so incredibly blessed and thankful. Otherwise..a sick child on our wedding day, could have made it prettty miserable for us. (Selfish?)

I’m working on getting back into the swing of things..hopefully back to regularly scheduled programming next week! *hopefully* in the meantime my new husband (sounds so weird!) is taking days off and half days this week to spend together. And help me with our super sick little man.

We’re not doing a honeymoon right now..clearly. I couldn’t imagine leaving yet with a little one at home..only 6 months old. (But seriously the size of a 1 year old. Not exaggerating.) So we’re hoping to take one next February. Between moves. Where should we go? I’m really wanting Europe, but it may suck in the winter. My hubs is against sitting on a beach for a week, something about being bored. To me that’s nonsense. I couldn’t think of anything better! Especially since we will have just drove pretty much cross country (in my eyes.) Sooo recommendations??

Speaking of driving, our next adventure is finding a new car. An SUV to be precise. I really want/need the extra space. I want one that has the third row. I’m loving the highlander but we’ve still got a lot of looking to do. Thoughts on this one!?

You Guys save me on so many of these questions! 🙂

After our car endeavor it’s time to start packing and finding a place to live in MO. Oh yah..16 weeks there baby. I’m pretty sure there is nothing around where we will be. I’m already counting down the days to our move to Seattle. (Side bar, if you live anywhere near Fort Leonard Wood..please tell me what I can do there. In the Fall & Winter. You know, besides hibernate.

I can’t wait to share pictures with you guys! Our photographer was amazing! Absolutely incredible! We received so many compliments on her, and friends looking for her info. She did an amazing job on the few pictures that I have seen and her prices can seriously not be beat. Shes a rock-star. We already set up a family photo shoot with our kids in August. Can’t wait.

Besides the day to day, and starting to go through and empty every room of our house one by one, this is pretty much what we’ve been up to. My husband is trying to plan a camping trip for next month. Hmm..with a 6 month old and 2 year old…I’m not sure about that one…but he’s pretty dead set on it. My blogging schedule may be slightly scattered the remainder of the Summer. Since this is our last couple of months here, I want to spend as much time as possible with our family and friends before we leave. I don’t want to let anything get in the way. But don’t worry, come October, its just going to be me, two little boys, and this computer 24/7. Things will get back to the norm! 😉

I hope you’re all having a fantastic Summer so far! xo

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