36 Week Bumpdate!


How far along: 36 weeks…like woah!

Total Weight Gain: uhh more than I should have gained..but honestly, it doesn’t bother me. I believe my doctors exact words at my last check up were “sooo you know how much you’re supposed to gain in total during your pregnancy right? aannnd you know how much you’ve already gained?” I said something along the lines of “well Ive got about a month left, and Im not giving up my ice cream or nutty bars now”..”fair enough” he said. Then he proceeded to tell me about this sweet new ice cream joint I should check out…really, Ive never worried about weight gain with any of my pregnancies, I just work hard after the fact to lose it all 🙂

Maternity Clothes: pretty much everything is maternity except stretchy maxis or elastic waist shorts or skirts.

Gender: baby boyyy!

Cravings: random stuff. like yesterday I HAD to have a BLT, like had to. Nothing else was satisfying me. I also always seem to find random things I like during my pregnancies, that I normally wouldn’t!

Symptoms: nothing major. growing quickly now, the babes always gain the most during the last four weeks, so I’m just getting uncomfortable sitting straight up, or after I eat. you should see me driving my car right now, I look pretty gangster all leaned back ;P

Movement: loads!

Workouts: ha! walks around our neighborhood, thats about it.

Things that are repulsive: nada!

Looking forward to: just meeting this little bambino! It seems so surreal that I’m going to have three kids. I have these random moments when I’m hanging out with my boys, one on each side, that soon, there is going to be a third to balance. It’s crazy, and exciting, and overwhelming, and to be honest, a little scary, but mostly it makes me really, really happy. But I am trying to enjoy all the moments with these two babes, before I have to really share my time, I know how much attention a newborn requires, and I know its an adjustment for everyone. But my kids are really excited, my oldest asks me everyday when and How hes going to come out! We can’t wait!

I’ve already started my xmas shopping, because I know how much harder it will be this year. I’ve been slowly turning my house away from summer decor, into fall so that I don’t have to worry about that afterwards. I’ve been making freezer meals and snacks to have..I’m doing everything I can to prepare now, so I have less to worry about later and can devote all my time to these three boys <3

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