33 Week Bumpdate!


How far along: 33 Weeks! getting soooo close!

Total Weight Gain: No idea, and I don’t really care ๐Ÿ™‚ Ill worry about that when Im trying to lose it all post-baby!

Maternity Clothes: Majority of what I wear is maternity now!

Gender: baby boyyy!

Cravings: nothing whack, but cozy comfort foods for sure. lots of pasta, last week I was craving pumpkin bread, last night it was rice pudding..and yes, I made both happen! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Symptoms: ehh just getting achy and tired. and peeing like 654614 times a day!

Movement: lots and lots and lots!

Workouts: ha! walks around our neighborhood, thats about it.

Things that are repulsive: nothing!

Looking forward to: we’re pretty much finished with the nursery after this coming weekend, so I’m excited to just relax and enjoy these last 5-6 weeks with my little family of four!

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