28 Weeks…& Counting!

I thought I would change things up a bit and do a little pregnancy post! I can’t believe I’m already at 28, (almost 29) weeks! This pregnancy is flying by! My first one felt like it lasted forever..this one, I can’t seem to get a grip on..probably because I have a 16 month old I’m chasing after! Yah…my son is already 16 months old..TODAY! Time is a-flying! By the time this little un-named nugget is born, my little man will be 18 months old..I’m so excited that they will be exactly a year and half apart..I think its great, especially with my fiance recently getting the news he will be active duty, with all the moving around, it’ll be great for them both to have a best friend, and a constant friend in each others lives. ๐Ÿ™‚

In completely honesty though..I’m a little nervous this time. Not for the new baby, or all that comes with it..that I can handle, that Ive done, that’s a breeze, but for the impact its going to have on my little guys life. Right now I’m home with him 24/7 and he has my complete and undivided attention. I know there are a ton of people that go through this exact same situation, and my fiance keeps telling me “relax, relax..you worry to much” but I’m just a little nervous for how he is going to handle having a new baby around. It’s going to turn his little world upside down. He is SUCH a mommas boy! (Possibly with slight attachment issues! ha!)

For Example, when I go to the doctors monthly for checkups, he balls his eyes out whenever they touch me or prod at my belly..he flips and jumps into my arms almost in a protective stance, its like he thinks they’re hurting me.. it’ tough sometimes. HE loves people, and hes great with others, but hes always running over to ‘check in’ with me, we call it…he comes and gives a big hug or a kiss, and then runs back to what he was doing..its sweet, but I think this huge change is going to cause a lot of upset for him and I just feel sad about it.

I’m cherishing every moment I have with him over these next 2 1/2 months, and I need this pregnancy to slow down! I’m not ready yet! haha (We don’t even have a name!) Plus I need more time with my little man ๐Ÿ™‚ That’s how I’m feeling about that..any opinions, advice, suggestions to anyone else who has gone through this? I know his tantrums that will surely come will pass, and hell eventfully love his little brother, but initially, whats the best way to handle it!?

This pregnancy I am feeling GREAT!

I have TONS of energy. My to-do lists and the the ‘honey-do’ list that Ive been making are insane, and long hah my fiance has the next five days mostly off, and Ive got loads of projects for him..including turning a coffee table into an ottoman. He can thank Pinterest. ๐Ÿ˜›

I am working extra hard at not gaining as much excess weight as I gained the first time..lets just say it was A LOT. Took almost a whole year to get back to my pre-preg weight..oops! I loooved the sweets last time!

I don’t buy maternity clothes. (Other than pants, those are a must) but no point in buying shirts, waste of money. I buy normal shirts that I know I can wear later that look cute loose..win win..I bought about four or five pairs from H&M..they have a great maternity line called MAMA..I recommend. Its so much better than Motherhood, especially their cute colored pants, and their prices are a TON better. If you’re preggo, check it out!

I lay awake at night with my mind going a million miles a minute with all the things I want to get done before this baby comes…in approximately 12 weeks.

  • We’ve switched over my sons room, so I’m trying to get that fully decorated into a ‘little boys’ room, in the meantime the current “nursery” looks like a storage room. Loaded with junk, I can’t even walk across the floor. Someone come take care of this for me please, and decorate it cute while you’re at it! ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • Since our wedding is next year, I’m trying to get most of the big things done now, so I don’t have to much to worry about after. Like finding and ordering my save the dates…what do you think of these?? Check out her shop! I love her super adorable prints! Order our invites. Go do another cake tasting. We had our bakery, it was AMAZING. And then we moved our wedding date, and they happen to be on vacation the two weeks surrounding our wedding. Major bummer.
  • Go through and organize each room in my house, and de-clutter. (I would love help with that too!)
  • Find a way to magically lose all the baby weight in time for my fiances military ball and for our wedding. Jillian Michaels..will you live with me for four months? Help me say no to all my temptations..I have zero self control.
  • The list of to-do’s is endless..if someone could come finish the list, while taking care of a sweet boy, I’ll be your best friend.

I love being pregnant, I really do. I am lucky enough to have great pregnancies, but I could totally do without not being able to shave my legs, or paint my own toes..actually that second one isn’t so bad…gives me excuse to go get a pedicure! I could do without the swelling, and the back aches..but mostly what I wish wouldn’t occur…stretch marks. There is just no way and no magic cream to prevent those suckers!

I don’t have any weird cravings..I didn’t the first time either! No pickles and ice cream or anything bizarre..just an extreme sweet tooth. (which doesn’t help with my excess weight gain. see above.)

Ive recently developed a love for fashion…I always dressed fashionable, but suddenly I love to really think about it, and buy everything that I see that I love…umm this doesn’t help on my growing body (how do I know it will fit post-pregnancy if I can’t try it on now?), or help my bank account. Oops.

I think Ill go make a cake now. ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy Day!

Oh..P.S. A HUGE shout out to my amazing fiance who continues to put up with my craziness, mood swings, memory loss aka ‘baby brain’, my indeciveness, crazy amounts of baking (not enough cooking), for being such a wonderful father, and always being their for the two of us. We could not be any luckier! I love you!!

P.P.S. Does anyone else with kids notice that after the kids, there are never any pictures of you and your spouse? I used to be able to fill folders and walls with pictures of the two of us..now I struggle trying to find ONE recent one..it doesn’t even have to be decent anymore haha just RECENT! Just a little un-fun fact!

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