15 Things you didn’t know about Me!

1. I’m the worst backseat driver you will ever meet. Seriously..my fiancé always makes fun of me and my “invisible brake” (which I’m constantly slamming)

2. I MUST sleep with a pillow between my knees..I hate knees touching..I freak and toss & turn without it..it’s a MUST.

3. When I was 16 and got my license, I got pulled over so many times for speeding, I lost my license by 17. Three months later I got it back. I haven’t been pulled over since…knock on wood. (I haven’t slowed down either)

4. I’m obsessed with candy. I love it. All kinds. Give it to me. (I’m so excited to have kids to go trick-or-treating!)

5. I used to smoke. Gross I know. I quit four years ago when I met my fiancé. Now when someone around me is smoking I cough dramatically and obnoxiously to make my point. I’m sure people love me.

6. I went to a hair salon for the second time in my entire life last week. My mother gave me this irrational fear that they would ruin my hair. What?!? I loved it. I love my hair now. I can’t wait for my next appointment. WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG!?!!

7. I have the HARDEST time paying full price for anything..seriously. I have to be talked into it. I love a good deal, what can I say?!

8. I’m so freaking nosy. I’m working on training my fiancé to ask more questions to get more of the dish! I have to know everything about everything! (& everyone!) I’ve rubbed off on my 15 month old..nosiest kid I know. Oops.

9. I can be extremely judgmental. Especially of judgmental people. I’m working on it.

10. I have the memory of a 95 year old man. I can hardly remember a conversation I had last week, let alone something that happened in high school…or last year. Where have my memories gone?!

11. I’m an avid list maker. I make them about everything. What to buy, what to make, what to clean, what to do every day, what shows to watch…it goes on & on. And on.

12. I’ve quit Nursing School three times now for various reasons. Ill finish eventually..I think. Right now I’m completely enjoying being home with my babies.

13. I’m INCREDIBLY inpatient. I’m pretty sure I’ve passed this flaw onto my 15 month old. Oops?

14. I never watch a show with commercials. I DVR everything. See # 13

15. I’m convinced my sons perfect. He can do no wrong. (Don’t judge.)


If you’d like to know more about me..because I’m oh so interesting!..Follow me on Instagram! & Twitter! & Facebook! & Pinterest!

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